The Reflection Journal
A powerful new lens on student thinking across any
academic project, assignment or training.
A unique view
of every learner
As students journal, ReflEQ documents their growth in six important meta-skills. Engage students at the heart of their learning. Catalyze insight, identity, and empathy.
The REFLEQ MethodologySelf-directed learning: Set realistic personal goals, plan, self-monitor, shift direction incrementally, redirect path...
Self-efficacy and motivation: Take intellectual risks, self-motivate, persist, embrace tough challenges with resilience, seek help actively, ask questions...
Collaboration and teamwork: Be compassionate and empathetic, contribute, collaborate, listen...
in a new way.
Flexible and empathetic thinking: Playfully explore ideas, investigate multiple viewpoints, experiment with alternatives, re-examine data and assumptions...
Cognitive processing: Build knowledge, comprehend, evaluate, observe, analyze, synthesize, generalize, predict, critique, judge, test, compare, classify, rank...
Transfer and deep learning: Apply classroom learning to real-world trends, re-contextualize information, use prior knowledge for new tasks or purposes...
Ask the questions that matter
Our experts craft open, metacognitive questions grounded in deep research and across the disciplines. Drag, drop, and assign at your own pace. Complement any learning process with a layer of reflection.
Learn More
Reflection goes formative
The REFLEQ Dashboard collects a student's reflective work across classes and over time. Students can assess personal progress, showcase competencies, and document college-level thinking.
Our Values
Empowering tomorrow's thinkers
Self-reflective, independent learning is essential for school, and life. Perhaps there’s no more important lesson we can teach.
Protecting student privacy and work
We're committed to online privacy. No advertising or hidden tracking of data. Students own their intellectual property. Any sharing beyond the instructor is by personal choice.
Hearing every student's voice
We're dedicated to equal access. Get a lens on each student (even the quietest ones). Overcome obstacles to understanding and inform your teaching.
Bringing SEL and mindset to life
These critical competencies should not be taught as separate “subjects.” They become relevant and meaningful when instructors across the disciplines can apply them to learning in context.
Supporting quality education
No technology will “solve” education, meet all needs, or provide all data. We aspire only to support - with a team of responsive, knowledgeable experts and a simple, delightful interface.